inversion galleries

self | in formation

posed gallery

[abstract]: dedicated to those who dare to dream of designing life on their own terms; beyond limited capacity.  to re-define ourselves in a state of perpetual motion is to transcend. welcome to posed gallery, where processes of human development intersect with psychological states of mind.  biology and psychology intertwined

artist notes
self-discovery (plural, single) (structured, unstructured)
self in motion, not a static experience
modeling moments of self, defining self itself


ever in process.  from the moment we are born to the moment we leave our bodies, we are in a perpetual state of evolution.  our physical and psychological states expand and then contract over a period of time which is our life span.  we outgrow ourselves and refine who we are within various frames of existence. 

in short, this gallery is a commentary on enigma of "the selfie." when an image is captured as a static experience, it limits who we are to that particular place and time, yet in reality, we are multi-dimensional beings.  in our physical essence we live from one moment to the next, yet we also exist psychologically on many planes at once (for example, in our memories of the past and thoughts of the future). 

the second after an experience is captured on film, social media, or in our hearts or our heads, we have already started to become a new person by witnessing or being present for that that instance; then rendering the image a lie, no longer who we are, but a relic of who we once were.

in an effort to keep who we are alive, both in process and in time, posed gallery personifies biological phases of development that mirror psychological states of mind.


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